Below you will find our canola agronomy library. Here you will find tips for producing a successful canola crop. You will find Target plant stand, seed placement, field preparation, fertility, weed control, insects to watch for and general management tips.
- Missing Pods or Blanks on the Main Stem
- Push Your Canola To New Heights
- Canola Disease Scouting and Risk Assessment Card
- Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Canola – To Spray or Not to Spray
- Elemental Sulphur for Canola Production
- Nitrogen Fertilizer for Canola the Ideal Placement
- Fertilizing Hybrids – How Much is Enough?
- Early Fall Frost – Now What?
- Early Seeding Tips
- Estimated Canola Plant Populations Under Various Seeding Conditions
- Factors Affecting Canola Survival from Seeding to 21 Days After Emergence
- Plant Populations for Profitability
- Stand Establishment in Canola – Why is it So Critical?
- Tips for Assessing Spring Frost Damage in Canola
- Tips From the Air Drill Diagnostic Workshop 2006